Ming Wah Logo Ming Wah Logistics Limited





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Ming Wah Logistics is a Hong Kong based logistics company with over 25 years of history. Our main business is to provide local delivery services for companies carrying various products. However, we have also expanded our services to provide staff for customer services, mailroom/reception services, and warehouse services. We also provide services to arrange international shipping (to overseas or mainland China).

Over the past 25 years, Ming Wah Logistics has served over 40 companies, over half of which are well-established, including multinational corporations such as Hewlett-Packard, Intergraph, Abbott Laboratories, and Philips. With our excellent service quality and good track record, we develop long-lasting business relationships with our clients. With our customers' support throughout the years, Ming Wah has been able to build its staff from a handful to currently over 70 employees, who are all professional and very experienced in the logistics industry, in particular serving IT-related companies.

If you have any inquiries, please contact us. We look forward to serving you in the near future.

Suite 706 Sterling Centre, 11 Cheung Yue Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2782-1929, Fax: (852) 2770-7509, E-Mail: info@mingwah-logistics.com

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